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Relay for Tomorrow 同心接力 種出明天

Promenade K-RUN 

Notes to Runners

*Promenade K-Run is postponed to 9 Mar. Please note that certain details and categories are also adjusted. 'Snake King Challenge will be held instead on 2 Feb at 16:00. Runners who enrolled on or before 21 Jan may join for free. Click here for details. *


Date: 9 March 2025 (Sun)

Time: 9:00-12:00

Venue: Central and Western Promenade

Categories: Men's 10K, Women's 10K, Men's 5K, Women's 5K, Buddy/Family 5K

* Donors may just donate and give the places for friends or underprivileged to run *

Come to the Central and Western District Promenade to participate in the Promenade Charity K-Run to raise funds for K-Farm! The competition is divided into Men's and Women's 10K, Buddy/Family 5K and Men's and Women's 5K, . Runners need to complete farming missions and can also dress up as vegetables or snakes. Let's run for good cause and have fun together!



K-Farm, operated by an NGO, Rough C limited, on a self-financing basis, is located on the Belcher Bay Promenade in Kennedy Town. It was officially launched in June 2021 and is the first urban farm in Hong Kong combining hydroponics, aquaponics and soil farming facilities. In the past three years or so, the farm has provided more than 200 different scale community activities for the public and has become a popular place for neighbors in the district for planting, leisure and family activities.

Due to the gradual deterioration and obsolescence of the facilities on site, and the severe shortage of daily operating funds, we urgently need support from all the public to raise donations to help the farm repair and replace facilities so that we can continue to operate and organize more meaningful and beneficial events for the public. All profits from this event will be used to support the operation, maintenance and community activities of K-Farm.



  • Raise funds for K-Farm to repair and replace damaged or old facilities to continue organizing community activities;

  • Encourage citizens, families, corporate employees and disadvantaged groups to participate in running activities to keep fit;

  • Allow participants to experience the fun of urban farming by completing farming missions;

  • Encourage organizations to participate in teams, build team spirit and practice social responsibility.


Route and rules:

  • Men's and Women's 10K:  The races starting and ending at K-Farm, will go back and forth between Belcher Bay Promenade and Central Promenade (near Tamar Park), with a time limit of 2 hours. Runners will collect 6 tool stickers and complete 6 farming tasks at designated mission points. The fastest runners will win the races.

  • Men's and Women's 5K:  The races starting and ending at K-Farm, will go back and forth between Belcher Bay Promenade and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park with a time limit of 1 hour. Runners will collect 4 tool stickers and complete 4 farming tasks at designated mission points. The fastest runners will win the races.

  • Buddy/Family 5K:  The races starting and ending at K-Farm, will go back and forth between Belcher Bay Promenade and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park with a time limit of 1 hour. Members can complete the race together or in relay. Runners will collect 4 tool stickers and complete 4 farming tasks at designated mission points. The fastest runners will win the races.



*Starting time to be adjusted according to the situation

Awards and prizes:

  • There are Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for each category. Winners will receive trophies and medals.

  • The winner of the Best Vegetable Costume Award will receive gifts

  • All participants who complete the competition will receive commemorative medals

  • All runners will receive:

       - Eco bamboo towel

       - Fresh mint tea/hydroponic salad

       - Hydroponic set (with seedling)

       - Seed pack


After-race programs:

  • Free to join booth games

  • Free to join greenhouse and hydroponic tour


Sign up:

  • Please fill in the form and complete the registration and donation procedures.

  • Individuals or organizations are welcome to make donations and give away running spots to disadvantaged groups or designated relatives and friends.

  • If you would like to request a donation receipt, please check the box on the registration form.

  • Additional donations are welcome.

  • The latest time to change runners is one hour before the race starts.

Donation Methods:

  1. Credit Card

  2. AliPay

  3. FPS: 160003901 (Rough C Limited)*

  4. Transfer: Chiyu Bank 03973620044400 (Rough C Limited)*

  5. Octopus: Donation link*

For donation via methods 3-5, please remark the name and tel no. of the donor, capture the payment receipt and upload before submitting the form.

Race day arrangement:

  • Check in: The main runners at the starting point and each mission point must report and collect bibs and armbands at least 30 minutes before the race.

  • Storage: Storage services are available at the starting point and at each mission point. Please collect your own belongings after finishing the race.

  • Awards: The list of winners of each category will be announced within 30 minutes after the completion of the race. Prize presentation will be arranged immediately.

  • Water station: Water and snack are provided at the end and mission points. Welcome to take a break and enjoy.



If you want to support us by being our volunteers, please complete this form.

Other notes:

  • The race will be postponed in case of bad weather. Please pay attention to the latest announcements via email and Facebook.

  • All arrangements are subject to the latest official announcement.




K-Run Form


K-Run Enrolment Form 堅農海濱跑報名表格
For donation only, please fill out 1-4 and 10-12.
Please also fill 8 or 9 if you have designated give away targets.
純捐款只需填寫 1-4及10-12。如有指定送贈對象請填8或9。
5. Category 參賽組別
Men 男子 10K ($250)
Women 女子 10K ($250)
Buddy/Family 夥伴/親子 5K ($500) (Please go to Q.6 請填寫題6 )
Men's 男子 5K ($200)
Women's 女子 5K ($200)
6. Number of Runners (For Relay only) 跑手人數 (只供接力組填寫)
7. Runner Quota Arrangement 跑手名額安排
I /We run 自己跑 (Go to Q.8 請填題8)
Run by friends/relatives 親友代跑 (Go to Q.8 請填題8)
Give away to designated underprivileged 贈予指定弱勢社群 (Go to Q.9 回答題9)
Give away to underprivileged (non-designated, pls arrange) 贈予弱勢社群 (不指定,請代安排)
10. Donation Amount 捐款金額

For donation via bank transfer, FPS and Octopus, please upload receipt before submitting the form. 如通過銀行轉帳、轉數快及八達通捐款,請在遞交表格前上載捐款憑證。

12. Donation receipt required 需要捐款收據
Yes 需要 (Please collect the receipt from the Service Desk after the race 請於比賽完結後到服務處索取收據)
No 不需要


Volunteer Form 義工表格

Please enter activities or types of activities that you want to join. If no, please enter 'NIL'.請說明想參加義務工作的活動或活動類別。如沒有,請寫「沒有」。

Please indicate the date and time of the event if you want to join designated voluntary service. 如想參加指定日子的義工服務,請填上該活動舉辦日期和可服務的時間。

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